Schedule information about services and events that are taking place in the run up to Christmas at CBC, please put these dates in your diary and take opportunities to invite friends and family to join us as we look to celebrate together.
Christmas Service
Sunday 29th November - Advent Creative Service (A good opportunity to invite friends and family to join us for stories, songs, craft, quizzes and a time of reflection) If you are able to bring cakes or biscuits to share over coffee after the service please do.
Sunday 6th December - Family Service Led by GenR8 (Another great opportunity to invite friends and family as GenR8 lead this Christmas Service for us) We will also be decorating our church for Christmas after this service.
Sunday 13th December - Morning Service to include a wedding blessing for Miranda and John Bonner, please join us as we celebrate with them
Evening Carol Service (Where an offering will be taken for Cottenham Cares to help refugees in Syrian camps) Starting at5.30pm with soup and a roll. Please bring along mince pies if you can, so that we have plenty to share with people, along with mulled wine, after the service
Sunday 20th December - Christmas Communion Service
Friday 25th December - Christmas Day Family Service with Music from Music Mash
Sunday 27th December - Breakfast Service. (A relaxed service with a light breakfast for those who are able to gather after Christmas)
This year at Church we are also providing a Christmas Card board where people can place a Christmas Card for everyone in the Church. This saves on writing lots of cards and also allows us to send Christmas greeting to everyone in our church family, with one card. The board will be up in the church from Sunday 6th December.
Missing in the list is Supernovas Party 11th (Friday) December, sometime in the afternoon, 4:30 pm. I'm helping so I'll be there from about 2:30 anyway.
Missing in the list is Supernovas Party 11th (Friday) December, sometime in the afternoon, 4:30 pm. I'm helping so I'll be there from about 2:30 anyway.