Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hyperlocal Community Idea

I am very much a 'villager', it's a bit of a joke running back to a series that used to run in RSA called "the village people", all about a mining town. It was very racist in it's portrayal of life, but was keenly followed at the time. Well we all live in the future, and pressures on communities are great, and not viewable on the TV.

it's all linked in with the theme of community engagement and openness and transparency:
I was forwarded this hyperlocal site We are all incredibly
busy, what with elections, volcanic ash comming over from Iceland, making that area a source of double disaster, but closer to home, is our fledgling Community Centre, which will soon move to the next stage of service. ...there is a trustees meeting next Tuesday 20th as well where there will be some presenting of a PR strategy to get more members in. The plan is for the coffee shop to open in September  -  with a proper Gaggia type machine! I don't think many people really know this and the opening is only a few months away. However to convert the rest of the church we need another 170k grand. So we need to get some more money in. So any ideas welcome!

Age of Stupid on Tuesday 20 April at the Community Centre ( the old Methodist Church)  - can we try and get whoever we know along to see this moving and interesting film about climate change and promote Cottenham as an exemplar of sustainable living more info here .

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