Sunday, June 06, 2010

Public events searching dead

When it comes to finding out what is happening in your neighbourhood, Google calendar used to be the 'up-comming' way of doing it. Just log into google, find a calendar maintained by someone net door, and add it to your 'empty because I'm lazy' calendar... And hey look - there's a food festival on this weekend, I'll have to turn aunt Doris down for tea.
But Google turned off the public calendar search, which hurts for people who are lazy like me and since Google know well, 90% of their users are subscribers and have never published a octet or a pixel in their lives. So while we wait, here is a Cottenham Calendar to try add by URL to your calendar. The Cottenham Village College also have a calendar, showing school breakup days and school-specific events naturally.

Here is a ping to everyone’s got an opinion about the B1049.It talks about the B1049, and a few other local routes under stress and how residents think they are unsafe, particularly affecting Histon. In Cottenham, the issue I have is volume of traffic at 5pm making crossing un-usually dangerous. Unusually, because it's normally very easy to cross the high street by just listening out for cars coming along (excluding a Honda prius), but gets to the point where I wish we had a traffic light. Turning in or out on a bike gets hard too at busy times, and I just feel a tad vulnerable in a narrow space.

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